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Sterling & Brass
What's A Brass Quintet?
Chamber music, or music performed by a small ensemble, takes on many forms. The
most dynamic, exciting and rewarding for a brass player (and its audience) has
got to be the Brass Quintet, consisting of two trumpets, a horn, trombone, and
tuba. This instrumentation can be both delicate and bombastic. You may hear a
trumpet switch to a piccolo trumpet, cornet, or fluegel horn, providing a much
different tone color. The horn player may pick up an alto horn, or the trombone
or tuba player may perform on a baritone horn, altering the tone quality for
special effects.
Brass music has its roots deep in religious celebration, and much of today’s
repertoire for the Quintet comes from liturgical sources. The increasingly
popular Brass Quintet is moving in many directions, however, with arrangements
of Classical, Popular, Ragtime, Dixie, Jazz, and Contemporary compositions
joining the repertoire.
You haven’t really heard it until you’ve heard it played by a Brass Quintet!
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